I’m quickly learning that veganism is quite different for people. For some, it’s about health (like myself). For others, it’s about taking a stand against animal cruelty and killing (me too, to an extent). Many abstain from using any products with animal-derived substances in it. Some vegans are passionate about reducing their carbon footprint, wanting to make a positive impact and thus help save the planet (I do like the idea of that one too).
I’m currently still debating my feelings on honey. Should or shouldn’t I? For now, I’m going with I will. I’ll debate the pros and cons of that one at a later stage.
I have to admit I’ve felt a bit “brain foggy” today – not a very pleasant experience. Could be a hang-over from my tummy bug, who knows. Of course I consulted Google to find out if there’s a correlation between being newly vegan and being “brain foggy”. Apparently, there can be!
Some people don’t tend to eat enough when switching to a vegan diet. Interesting, this is generally not a problem I seem to have. However this could explain my symptoms.
I’m allowing myself to leave the house tomorrow after 48 hours of post tummy bug contagion-induced isolation, so I’m looking forward to grabbing some vegan goodies! Check out my shopping list:

Probably won’t buy ALL of this, but it’s a start!
In hindsight I should have planned my meals for the next few days. Now THAT would have been smart. Oh well, guess I’ll just keep winging it for now.
My meals today (excluding breakfast – forgot to take a pic of the gooey mess of overnight oats):
LUNCH – rye bread, toasted; one with peanut butter and one with avocado, pumpkin seeds & salt (salt works very well on avocados I might add!)
DINNER – wholemeal spaghetti topped with a tomato, onion, garlic, carrot, pea, kale & spinach mixture (it was allllright but honestly not amazing)
I felt a bit peckish earlier so I munched a few dates – I love dates. Other than that I had a an apple and overnight oats today. I top it with 2 tbsp of chia seeds for Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, calcium & protein.
I’ve also been taking liquid, plant-based iron supplements for about a week now as I’d been feeling tired for a while and I have been anemic in the past. Other than I’ll just be buying a B12 supplement soon which will hopefully help with the brain fog too.
I must say I feel fuller more quickly and I have less cravings for sweet stuff which is unusual for me. I should probably weigh myself though I really can’t be bothered. I can usually tell anyway by the way my clothes fit. Some have been getting a bit tight so hoping that may change!
I also got an email from the Vegan Society NZ today congratulating me on doing the 21 day Vegan challenge. It entailed them sending me some recipe ideas & links to more info which is always handy to have. Now I just need to think of a way to compile all of the information I’ve been learning about.
Tomorrow we’re having a shared morning tea at work for a new colleague. I was quite keen to have a go at some vegan baking but clearly I’ll need to stock up on some basics in that area. It’s nice to know that in New Zealand, at least, white refined sugar is not bleached using animal bone char, compared to other countries.
However I’ll still aim to keep refined and processed products to a minimum in order to not defeat the purpose of the idea of eating a wholefood and plant-based diet!
Right, I’m going to make myself some overnight oats now (2tpbs chia seeds, 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, 1/2 cup of oats, 3/4 cup of soy milk, cinnamon and maybe some dates). Last night I also added some processed BUT vegan sugar-free chocolate powder into it – that was rather nice.
Auf Wiedersehen,
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